Tuesday, 13 May 2014

"Oh! Wow."

     You know when you have those "Oh! Wow", moments. Had one of those today.

  No, not one of those when I see the  Other Person Who Shares this Place moment, that is more of a uhmm, not looking to bad moment.

  No I haven't come across Rod Stewart, singing in the veggie patch, that would a Wow moment of a different variety.

   No the carrots haven't  grown extra large or the  new young girls, that Young Stud Rooster is eyeing off, no they haven't started to lay eggs yet. So, no Wow there.

   No it was one of those Moments, you know  when you first venture out in the morning, the sun is just coming up,  everything is bathed in pink, the garden looks just the bees knees, all you can say or think is "Wow".

   That to me is a real big Wow Moment.

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