Tuesday, 14 January 2014

"Creating Karma"

   Good or Bad, I have been doing it.They say what goes around comes around. Well, I had better own up to throwing stones at birds.
   We have a couple of young hawks here who insist on eyeing off all the little birds in the garden. I don't just fill bird baths and plant nice nectar feeding plants for them to come and dine on all my little visitors. So some serious action was needed, armed with sticks and stones, I pitched. while one sat on the power line. Well, he just sat, with a Ho-Hum look on his face, and moved his head to watch each missile fly past, not a flinch, not a ruffle of a feather. Just a total look of distain, or "Is that the best you can do" look. Well I did manage to scare all the honeyeaters from the area, hence saving their lives. So that is Karma being balanced out.
    A thought, now these are young juvenile Hawks, you can tell by the look they give you. You know the look, " I know it all and what would you know" ,all that sort of thing. I class rodents as bird Fast Food, now all kids like that, so why can't these youngsters just stick with the junk and leave my honeyeaters alone.
   As for more good deeds, resident Clarrie Cockatoo, is not finding the heat to his liking, so sits on the veranda, waiting for good Person Who Lives here to come and give him cooling sips of water.
   Don't you forget this kindness, Clarrie, next time you get it into your head to swoop me.

1 comment:

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