Saturday 31 May 2014

" In Need of."

      Where do I advertise for a "wanted- Fairy of Picking-up, Putting Back, capabilities.

    You know the ones, you don't find them in the

 Trading Post, nobody would be silly enough to trade them in.

  How come "Other Person Who Lives Here, can leave things where ever, with the thought that when required again, he will remember. Now please, I bet he can't recall what he ate yesterday.

  Now that Spoilt Dog who Lives Here, as joined in, well he is a male.

  Large hole dug, maybe short-cut to China was on his mind, maybe the thought of extra large bone for dinner. Now large crater, needs to be filled in by apparently not, Spoilt Black Dog Who Lives Here, must be my job.

  If you have a spare Fairy out there, will pay good wages for hire or even borrow short term.


  1. We do have fairies but they have made camp in the garden area ~ thankfully I need help there . Plant a garden ~ they will come . lol

  2. On second thought ~ you have a garden ~ so just peek around, find them, and tell them to get to work ;)

  3. Hello Willow, plenty of fairies in this garden, problem is, I think the put away-pick-up Fairies. are all still in their teens, get what I mean.
