Tuesday 1 October 2013

"whether it Will or Weather it Wont."

    Having serious wind problems at the moment, of the weather kind I mean. The wind and I aren't really good mates, I'm a stick your head further under the doona type of girl on a blowy day. It gets in my head and makes me quite ratty, up here on the our hill, if it's breezy down town it will be blowing a gale up here. OK, we do have a good view, the clothes dry quick, the jeans legs blow out straight like "Other Person Who Lives" here is still occupying them.
   My concern is the "Do", is nearly upon us, don't need wind to ruffle peoples curls or blow their hats away.
Well heavens we've got a brass band playing, which way do you face when blowing a tuba, into the wind or away.Mental picture, tuba player facing into the gale, who wins tuba player or wind.
   Everything is starting to look pretty spiffy, if I do say so myself. Despite a very successful crop of sour sob in flower this year. But I like to think of it this way. and I will leave you with this to ponder on.
    If Wordsworth had have lived in the Southern Hemisphere, would he have not maybe have waxed lyrically about "A host of Golden Sour Sob." I'm sure the old common daf. wouldn't have have got a look in.

It just happens to be the "Spoilt Black Dog" who resides here, Birthday Today. Happy Birthday "Whisper"


  1. Haven't been here for awhile Kim, busy getting a garage sale organized of our deceased Aunt, boy has it been taking up our time! Do hope your day goes really well, we hope to get up there some time, and lets hope that the wind is as gentle as a dove. Must say I don't enjoy it one bit either, but I do enjoy your writings :)

  2. Special happy birthday pats for the welcoming, affectionate big black dog, Whisper. Love coming for a visit and pats. Happy birthday special one for Tuesday. Enjoy your magical garden.
