Tuesday 11 March 2014

"My Beautiful Belladonnas."

    Have been thinking, Yes, do that sometimes, when the mind is not daydreaming  out there in La-La land.  Nice place to be, but have been thinking about all those intrepid, plant hunting men. Thoses ones who climbed the mountains of China and wandered into the Amazon Jungles.

   Why would you return and give the title of "Hathor" to a beautiful bulb. Sounds like Russell Crowe in his Gladiator gear, or a Viking, sailing the seas to rape and pillage. Why not just good old  "Belladonna."

     Then No, that wasn't enough was it, they came home and got all common and renamed them "Naked Ladies".

     I wonder who named tulipa x hybrida,  " Honeymoon"  and   "Queen of the Night."

1 comment:

  1. Oooh. We like these. Are they easy to grow? Teaching to the uneducated here!! What do I ask for to purchase them at the nursery, when do I plant and in what sort of spot (eg, sun, shade etc). Getting excited and motivated in the garden and time to fill a few bare patches. :-)
